Are Premium Air Filters Really Worth It?

When it comes to the health and comfort of your family, friends, and other guests, it's essential to invest in the most efficient air filter you can afford. Expensive air filters are not a luxury but an important step in keeping your home smelling healthy and clean. All other things being equal, a filter with a higher MERV rating and more creases per inch will have the same or better airflow than the same filter with a lower MERV rating and fewer creases. The cheapest filters are made of spun fiberglass, which filters air very poorly compared to materials such as paper, cotton or polyester.

That's why it's important to only use air filters with the MERV rating recommended by the air conditioning system manufacturer. By using the manufacturer's recommended Minimum Efficiency Value (MERV) filter, your air conditioning system will be better protected from dust, dirt and wear and will offer reliable, long-lasting performance. However, we recommend our high-quality premium filters because of their ability to keep your home fresh and clean. When a filter blocks airflow, the system must solve the problem by increasing its energy production. The quality of the air in your home is vital for the development of respiratory problems in both adults and children.

If you've ever wondered what the difference is between pleated air filters and their non-pleated counterparts, here's the answer. You want to make sure that your home doesn't present any kind of danger to your residents and that higher-priced filters offer greater protection. That's a myth: the extra surface lets more air through, so the central air conditioning unit doesn't have to work as hard to get air through it. A filter must be constantly replaced or there may be problems with air flow and filter efficiency. In addition, pleated filters don't have to be changed as often, just one every 3 months, compared to the monthly frequency of non-pleated filters.

The MERV rating system, or minimum value of efficiency reports, shows the efficiency of a filter when it comes to trapping and absorbing particles. Just as these materials retain sweat and dirt when you wear clothes, they also retain dust and dirt in the air better than fiberglass. So if you're looking for an efficient way to keep your home clean and healthy, premium air filters are definitely worth considering. They offer superior protection against dust, dirt and other airborne particles that can cause respiratory problems. Plus, they don't need to be changed as often as non-pleated filters do. At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide which type of filter is best for your home.

But if you want maximum protection against airborne particles while also saving money on energy bills, premium air filters are definitely worth considering.

Cora Lecy
Cora Lecy

Hipster-friendly internetaholic. Certified organizer. Subtly charming coffee fanatic. Friendly pop culture advocate. Friendly tv expert. Award-winning pop culture enthusiast.