The Benefits of Using an Energy-Efficient Air Filter for HVAC Systems

It is estimated that air conditioning systems with clean filters can be between 5 and 15% more efficient than systems with dirty filters. A dirty air filter can reduce airflow and result in no air infiltration. On average, 50% of the energy consumed in a commercial building is spent on heating, cooling or moving air. Of that amount, the HVAC air filters installed in your air handling unit account for about 16% (2%) of your total electricity bill.

Contrary to popular belief, a cheap air filter does not necessarily save money. In fact, the purchase price is only 10% of the cost associated with a filter over its lifespan. Energy is, by far, the highest cost, representing 80% on average. This is why opting for a “cheaper” filter can end up costing much more in the long run. You may spend a bit more on buying an energy-efficient air filter.

However, the costs over their lifespan are likely to be much lower. Air filters are classified according to their ISO 16890 classification, and lower quality filters provide greater energy efficiency. How often you should change your air filters depends on many factors, such as the type of filter, how often your air conditioning system works, and the specific features of your home. He has extensive experience in air quality assessment and detection technologies and drives the development of cutting-edge solutions, including systems to optimize indoor air quality and occupant comfort, as well as next-generation cooling architectures. Some limited experimental studies were conducted with many composite factors, making it difficult to draw clear conclusions about the energy impact of filters. Some products consume three times as much energy as others and, at the same time, do the same job and offer the same level of air quality. The atmospheric pressure of the house and the atmospheric pressure of the collective return air duct were measured simultaneously before it passed through the indoor coil, and the difference between the two was recorded.

The carbon filter is used to remove remaining impurities, allowing fresh, clean air to enter your home. To study whether high-efficiency filters have a negative impact on the performance of the heating and cooling system, energy consumption was measured while testing different types of filters. The results indicate that the energy consumption of air conditioning systems was maintained at a similar level regardless of the type of filter. Switching to energy-saving air filters is one of the easiest, fastest and most effective ways to reduce energy consumption in a commercial building since changing them does not usually require refurbishment works or interruptions. As awareness of air pollution increases, people want better filtration products to improve air quality in their homes. Air purifiers and some filters, such as HEPA filters, can help combat other causes or respiratory problems and increase air quality in the home, but standard filters and purifiers cannot capture or destroy viruses; they are simply too small. The change of season is a good time to check the condition of your Melbourne, Florida home's air conditioning system.

Investing in an energy-efficient filter can help you save money on your electricity bills while also improving your indoor air quality.

Cora Lecy
Cora Lecy

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