How Often Should You Change Your HVAC Filters for Optimal Air Quality

Superior indoor air quality is essential, especially when children are around. To keep your home clean and air quality under control, it's recommended to replace the vacuum filter every 2 to 3 months. However, there are certain factors to consider when determining when to change an old filter. If you have an asthmatic or allergic person at home, it's best to change the filter every 6 weeks for optimal indoor air quality.

No two homes are the same, so despite the guidelines, you may need to change your air filter more often than your neighbor. A flat filter, such as the Flanders front panel filter (available on Amazon), is designed to be changed every 30 days. When you change the air filter, you allow more air to flow through the system with lower energy consumption, resulting in better circulation, cleaner air, and a lower electricity bill. To make it easier to remember when to change the filter, many oven manufacturers recommend changing them at the start of each new season.

The oven user's manual will specify the best MERV rating for the oven and, in general, filters with a MERV rating of 6 to 9 should be changed every 90 days, while those with a MERV rating of 10 to 12 should be changed every 60 days. To improve the efficiency of your air conditioner by 5 to 15%, it's important to follow three simple steps for changing clogged filters. If you live in a “smaller” house, your air conditioners and ovens need to pump less air with the same temperature change, which could mean fewer filter changes. Even if no one in the house is allergic, it's advisable to change the boiler filter frequently - up to every 30 days if you have several pets - so that the boiler continues to work efficiently.

If there is a layer of visible dirt that covers most of the surface of the filter and that is thick enough to hide the filter material itself, it's a sign that the filter has been in the air conditioning system for too long. If you have a cat or dog, you know very well that odors can accumulate over time and that the worst smell comes off during the change of season. Yes, changing the filter has several effects on the ability of the air conditioning system to cool the house and on overall air quality. On the other hand, if you use your air conditioning system almost constantly, you'll have to change the filter every few weeks (especially if you use fiberglass filters).

All of the air that circulates through the air conditioning system - whether it's used for heating or cooling - will end up passing through the air filter. In addition, the cooler the filter is, the more efficiently your air conditioning system will work - resulting in lower energy bills. When you remove the air filter from your air conditioner, if you bring it closer to a light source, you can see if it's dirty or clogged. If you can't see any light through it, it's time for a replacement.

It's important to remember that superior indoor air quality is essential for everyone's health and wellbeing. To ensure optimal air quality in your home and reduce energy costs at the same time, it's important to follow guidelines for changing your HVAC filters regularly. Depending on factors such as allergies or pets in your home, you may need to replace your filters more often than recommended by manufacturers. If there is visible dirt on your filters or they are clogged with dust and debris, it's time for a replacement.

By following these simple steps and changing your HVAC filters regularly, you can ensure optimal indoor air quality and reduce energy costs.

Cora Lecy
Cora Lecy

Hipster-friendly internetaholic. Certified organizer. Subtly charming coffee fanatic. Friendly pop culture advocate. Friendly tv expert. Award-winning pop culture enthusiast.